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Nouvelle version 2.1 de KORG PA Manager

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  • Nouvelle version 2.1 de KORG PA Manager

    Y'a du lourd, avec l'import de samples WAV.
    Ayant la V1, j'attends un éventuel retour de l'un d'entre vous qui aurait la V2 et qui pourrait confirmer la stabilité du soft avant de claquer les 20£ supplémentaires demandées.

    KORG PA Manager v2.1 [RELEASED]
    #Version 2.1.2310 (Build: 10 November 2015)
    +Support with Locked USB SETs
    +SAMPLE Manager - Create a New MultiSample from scratch
    +SAMPLE Manager - 'Add Zone' button Added
    +SAMPLE Manager - Support for 8/16bit STEREO Wav Import
    +SAMPLE Manager - Improved WAV Import Support
    +SAMPLE Manager - Detect if WAV Sample exists before importing
    +STYLE Manager - 'NEW Set' button added
    *STYLE Manager - Fixed incorrect display of Style Bank Label Names
    +STYLE Properties - Enhanced Report - Shows User Sound Usage Count
    *STYLE Properties - Fixed a possible Sound ReMap problem
    *STYLE Properties - Fixed a possible problem with Styles from Older 3X OS's
    +SOUND Manager - 'NEW Set' button added
    +SOUND Manager - Delete MultiSample button Enabled
    +SOUND Manager - New Right-Click Menu on DK Key [Set Sample to Empty]
    *SOUND Manager - Improved Support for PA1X Files
    *SOUND Manager - Fixed Sample Size correction when Importing Sounds/Samples
    *SOUND Manager - Better crash prevention with larger PCM file handling
    +PERFORMANCE Manager - 'NEW Set' button added
    +PERFORMANCE Manager - Fixed incorrect sound display number with HTML Report
    +PAD Manager - 'NEW Set' button added
    +PCM Manager - Individual identifies Locked Samples rather than per PCM
    *WAV Export - Incorrect Filesize [1 Byte extra] Fix
    *WAV Export - Meta Tag Data Added on All WAV Exports
    *MultiSample Manager - Improved .KMP File Handling
    *Much more Memory Efficient - Almost (50%)
    *Related File Association Icons now display properly in explorer
    +Main Screen - New Window button added - [Mac only]
    +Danish Translation Added
    *Frozen Loading Window Animation Fixed [Mac only]
    *Internal Stability improvements
    Yamaha : Montage 7 White - MU100R - TG77
    Korg : M3/Radias - Pa600

  • #2
    c'est payant????


    • #3
      Compatible Windows 10??

      System Requirements
      • Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1
      • Intel or AMD processor
      • 1GB Ram or more
      • Active Internet Connection for Activation
      • Monitor with at least 1280x768 resolution
      • Audio Interface / Sound Card
      Matos actuel: KORG PA 300, clavier maître M-Audio "Oxygen V8 v2"Anciennement: KORG PA 600, YAMAHA PSR EW-400, KORG PA 50 SD, YAMAHA PSR E353, TECHNIKS KN-2000"C'est en forgeant qu'on devient forgeron"Auteur inconnu


      • #4
        70 £ soit environ 100€ pour le soft
        20 £ pour l'update si on a déjà la v1

        Sans garantie pour W10, mais si W8.1 est supporté, ca ne devrait pas poser de probleme.
        Yamaha : Montage 7 White - MU100R - TG77
        Korg : M3/Radias - Pa600


        • #5
          Merci pour l' info.
          Kronos 88 - PA3X 76

